The Foundation for Occlupanid Research & Communication

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List of undescribed Occlupanid and Occlupanopsid species, updated on 2025 January 20. All information are kindly provided by FORC members and other occlupanologists on r/occlupanid subreddit. All images are provided by FORC members.

The purpose of this page is to inform the occlupanology community about known undescribed species. FORC and the team working on this website do not take credit for the discovery of the undescribed species listed in this page, all discoverers and informants have been individually named and properly credited.

↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project and Carsmaniac
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by A. Welby, The Breadtag Project, Carsmaniac, and Robyn
Specimen image provided by A. Welby
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by A. Welby
Specimen image provided by A. Welby
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by A. Welby
Specimen image provided by A. Welby
↔ Width 4mm
Acquired by AmyLeuWho, deo, CaleChipz, and nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by AmyLeuWho
AmyLeuWho's specimen preyed on jewelry watch of the brand Explorer by Traditions, in Hobby Lobby stores in the United States; deo acquired orange and white specimens from a store selling watches in the United States; CaleChipz acquired a pink specimen in Canada
↕ Length 5.5mm
Found by AmyLeuWho, no specimens have been acquired yet
Specimen image provided by AmyLeuWho
Preyed on jewelry watch of the brand Explorer by Traditions, in Hobby Lobby stores in the United States
↕ Length 5.5mm
First found by AmyLeuWho, later acquired by nickyyuyu
Specimen image provided by nickyyuyu
AmyLeuWho's specimen Preyed on jewelry watch of the brand Explorer by Traditions, in Hobby Lobby stores in the United States
↕ Length 5mm
Found by AmyLeuWho, no specimens have been acquired yet
Specimen image provided by AmyLeuWho
Preyed on jewelry watch of the brand Explorer by Traditions, in Hobby Lobby stores in the United States
↕ Length 5mm
Found by AmyLeuWho, no specimens have been acquired yet
Specimen image provided by AmyLeuWho
Preyed on jewelry watch of the brand Explorer by Traditions, in Hobby Lobby stores in the United States
↕ Length 7.5mm
Acquired by CaleChipz and nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by CaleChipz
↕ Length mm
Acquired by deo, CaleChipz, and nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by CaleChipz
↕ Length 7mm
Acquired by nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
↕ Length 6mm
Acquired by nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
↕ Length around 7.5mm
Acquired by nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
↕ Length 7mm
Acquired by CaleChipz and nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by CaleChipz
↕ Length 5.6mm
Acquired by CaleChipz
Specimen image provided by CaleChipz
↕ Length around 8mm
Acquired by Slime Licker and CaleChipz
Specimen image provided by CaleChipz
↕ Length 7mm
Acquired by CaleChipz
Specimen image provided by CaleChipz
not measured
Acquired by deo
Specimen image to be added
not measured
Acquired by Slime Licker
Specimen image to be added
not measured
Acquired by Slime Licker
Specimen image to be added
not measured
Acquired by Red Luminous
Specimen image provided by Red Luminous [YouTube Channel]
Preyed on miniature bread bags
not measured
Acquired by Red Luminous
Specimen image provided by Red Luminous [YouTube Channel]
Preyed on bags of miniature bread-shaped eraser
↔ Width 18mm; ↕ Length 22mm
Acquired by YourFoot
Specimen image provided by YourFoot
↕ Length less than 21.4mm
Acquired by A. Welby
Specimen image provided by A. Welby
↔ Width less than 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
not measured
Acquired by A. Welby
Specimen image provided by A. Welby
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by Team_Bees
Specimen image provided by Team_Bees
found in a bag of specimens acquired from Scrap in Portland, Oregon
↕ Length longer than 21.4mm
Acquired by Jupiter
Specimen image provided by Jupiter
a ball chain connects the specimen's supposed host of miniature bread bag (which itself was actually closed by Aluminestrae twist tie) via its aboral vesicle
not measured
Discovered and acquired by AmyLeuWho on 2022 June 06
Specimen image provided by AmyLeuWho
Two specimens were known to have preyed on bags of synthetic undercast padding, of the brand Coviden Curity
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Wider and longer than I. kurisu
Acquired by A. Lee in 2024 December
Specimen image provided by A. Lee
Specimens with amicula were found found preying on green shine muscat grape stem wrapped in paper, in two stores at Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market in Hong Kong
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by A. Welby and The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by A. Welby
↔ wider than 21.4mm
Discovered and acquired by The Breadtag Project in 2019 October
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Specimens were acquired at the New World supermarket in Wanaka, South Island of New Zealand
not measured, Width appears to be around 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project's friend
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Specimen was from Canada
↕ Length 42.9mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Kurisu studied the markings of three known specimens and found a possible relationship between this species and automobile products, specifically ignition sets
↕ Length 42.9mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 42.9mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 42.9mm
Acquired by A. Welby
Specimen image provided by A. Welby
A. Welby acquired their specimen from a basement hoard; specimens were also said to be present at the Fresh Hop Ale Festival 2022, being used as beer tokens
↕ Length 42.9mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 42.9mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Oral groove slightly smaller than the HORG holotype of Megapanis tarassovae, whether this should be its own species is still disputed
↕ Length 42.9mm
Acquired by A. Welby
Specimen image provided by A. Welby
↔ Width 5mm
Acquired by C. Huning and nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by C. Huning
HORG received specimen of this species, abbreviated species name being Tempo_pecu, but a dedicated species entry page is yet to be set up. Scanned image file name suggests that this species might be categorised as Archignathid, and be grouped into the Genus Tempotortus, but the proposed species name of peculiaris seems to be accepted by HORG
↕ Length 8mm
Discovered online and acquired by nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
Preyed on miniature "waddle dee bread" bag in Re-Ment 星のカービィ カービィのプププマーケット set 6 "Kickstart a day with breakfast"
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
From New Zealand
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Specimens were known to prey on an unknown host holding together spring onions and shallots, of the brand Coles in Australia; all found specimens had an amiculum attached, or showed signs of amiculum being previously attached
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by A. Welby
Specimen image provided by A. Welby
Found in a hoard by A. Welby
↔ Width 21.4mm
Discovered and acquired by Ceddy D on 2024 June 14
Specimen image provided by Ceddy D
All known specimens are found in the United States, preyed on nets of avocado cups of the brand GoVerden; Kurisu conducted online research about the host and content, and found that the oral groove of this species may grab onto its host twice, forming a loop
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project and MerryDeath
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
not measured
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
From New Zealand
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
The Breadtag Project's specimen came from the Netherlands and dates back to 2018; this species was also found in Japan according to Kurisu's online research
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project and Carsmaniac
Specimen image provided by Carsmaniac
The Breadtag Project has acquired specimens bearing amicula, and the amicula contains markings that hint towards their original host being either string or rubber bands holding together Coles vegetable bunches in Australia
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by C. Huning, A. Welby, and Kelp
Specimen image provided by C. Huning
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Kurisu's Filipino informant provided information of this species in 2022 January, stating that specimens of multiple colour morphs preyed on bags of bread of the Filipino bread brand Fuwa Fuwa; the specimen acquired by The Breadtag Project in 2023 came from Chattanooga in the United States
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project, CaleChipz, Carsmaniac, and A. Welby
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by Lily Fox
Specimen image provided by Lily Fox
↔ Width 19.1mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Specimens from New Zealand
↕ Length 9mm; ↔ Width 9mm
Discovered online and acquired by nickyjuju and Team_Bees
Specimen image provided by Team_Bees
Preyed on miniature bread bag
↕ Length 10mm
Discovered online and acquired by nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
Preyed on miniature bread bag of MegaHouse series 36 set 7 ライ麦パンで朝ごはんセット, series 38 set 1 ご自慢食パンセット, set 2 朝食おすすめパンセット, set 6 ウキウキお買い物セット, set 7 くるくるシナモンブレッドセット, set 10 ふっくらディナーパンセット.
↕ Length 10mm
Discovered online and acquired by nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
Preyed on miniature bread bag in Re-Ment すみっコぐらし スーパーでおつかい set 5 "Flyer"
↕ Length 10mm
Discovered online and acquired by nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
Preyed on miniature bread bag in Re-Ment いっぱい買っちゃう!家ちかスーパー set 7 "Breakfast"
not measured
Acquired by Red Luminous
Specimen image provided by Red Luminous [YouTube Channel]
Preyed on a bag of miniature "stick bread" and "white roll bread"
↕ Length 21.4mm
Discovered online by nickyjuju
Specimen image to be added
Cavutergum species with a smaller oral groove than C. simplex; photo was uploaded to a stock photo platform in 2016, uploader appears to be a Thai national
↕ Length 21.4mm
Discovered and acquired by Kurisu in 2023 April, The Breadtag Project also acquired specimens
Specimen image provided by Kurisu
Kurisu spotted specimens bearing amiculum preying on bags of potatoes in Coles in Sydney Australia; The Breadtag Project also received specimens from New Zealand, white specimens with amiculum likely preyed on potatoes bags based on markings, light tan specimens had unusual scars as if it had been attacked by something with tentacle suckers; specimen has been submitted by Kurisu and received by HORG, but this species is yet to be described
↕ Length 22.5mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 22mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project and Team_Bees
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Team_Bees acquired their specimen from an individual living in Pennsylvania
↕ Length 21.4mm
Discovered and acquired by Lily Fox and Zin
Specimen image provided by Lily Fox
Specimens were found preying on bags of hot dog rolls of the brand Dempster's and bags of bread in Costco in-store bakery in Canada
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Specimens acquired by The Breadtag Project were from Canada
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by Red Luminous and Robyn
Specimen image provided by Red Luminous [YouTube Channel]
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project and Carsmaniac
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
This species may have existed in Malaysia according to Kurisu's online research;
HORG received specimen of this species, abbreviated species name being Coni_vip, but a dedicated species entry page is yet to be set up, and full species name is still unknown
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project and Carsmaniac
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
This species possibly dates back to 2005 or earlier according to A. Lee's online research
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
Specimens acquired by The Breadtag Project were from Sweden
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by A. Welby and C. Huning
Specimen image provided by C. Huning
A. Welby proposed the species name to be Captospinula teepeii
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by RTC Studios, Carsmaniac (damaged specimen), and u/ILikecatsandbreads
Artist impression of Carsmaniac's specimen in its full form, provided by Carsmaniac
u/ILikecatsandbreads claims to have found specimens on bread bags in Morrisons stores in the United Kingdom
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by C. Huning, Kurisu's mother, and Fooxxo
Specimen image provided by C. Huning
Kurisu's mother found this species preying on bags of sliced bread and "Belgian chocolate milk stick" bread rolls of the brand 熱夢烘培 (Passion & Dreams Bakery) in a YATA store in Hong Kong on 2024 December 24. This is the first time this species has been found on host. Kurisu's friend later found bags of sliced bread of the same brand in a UNY store in Hong Kong on 2024 December 28.
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project and Carsmaniac
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project, Carsmaniac, and Zin
Specimen image provided by Carsmaniac
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project and MerryDeath
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project and MerryDeath
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by The Breadtag Project [Website] [Instagram]
↔ Width 21.4mm
Acquired by Lily Fox
Specimen image provided by Lily Fox
According to Lily Fox's informant, all specimens found were preying on bags of Latvian bread in a Latvian store in the United Kingdom, imported from Latvia
↕ Length 42.9mm
None acquired yet
Specimen image to be added
Dinonexus species with the oral groove of C. simplistica, found in Fresh Hop Ale Festival 2021 as beer tokens
↔ Width 21.4mm
Discovered by CaleChipz in 2024 December, acquired by nickyjuju in 2025 January
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
CaleChipz found specimens preying on bags of gluten free bread in freezing environment; nickyjuju found specimens preying on bags of white pita bread of the brand Adonis, both sightings made in Canada
↔ Width 21.4mm
Discovered by Zin's acquaintance in 2024 December
Specimen image to be added
C. viridis mimic, found in Canada
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by u/fuifeefje and Kurisu
Specimen image provided by Kurisu
P. utiliformis mimic, Specimen found in the Netherlands and Sydney, Australia. Sydney specimens found preying on iceberg lettuce bags in ALDI stores, in both room temperature and refrigerated environments. Specimen will be sent in by Kurisu
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by u/FastBoySawnic and CaleChipz
Specimen image provided by CaleChipz
E. washingtonensis mimic; CaleChipz acquired their specimen in Canada
↔ Width 21mm
Acquired by Carsmaniac, Kurisu, and The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by Kurisu
Carsmaniac first acquired their specimens from a recycling center in 2024 September, commenting on its unnatural appearance as a result of the asymmetric oral groove; Kurisu later encountered this species on host in two Baker's Delight stores in Sydney: Glebe and Crows Nest, in 2024 November. Kurisu also found a specimen with no markings detached from host outside the Baker's Delight store in Glebe on 2024 new year's eve.
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
H. chydaeus mimic, Specimens found in Canada on bread bags of the brand Auger
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by Carsmaniac and The Breadtag Project
Specimen image provided by Carsmaniac
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by u/Ok-Presentation2222
Specimen image to be added
C. fecundus mimic
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by Kurisu
Specimen image provided by Kurisu
S. hollandium mimic, Specimens found in Sydney, Australia. Only preyed on bags of white soft roll bread in Woolworths stores. Specimen will be sent in by Kurisu
↕ Length 21.4mm
Acquired by nickyjuju
Specimen image provided by nickyjuju
P. acies mimic, Specimens found in Canada on bread bags of the brand Auger